Social Media Technologies and Its Role in Sustainable Tourism Development of Asik-Asik Falls


Social media, information technology, sustainable tourism development, ecotourism, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability


Asik-Asik Falls remained hidden from the public until it was introduced through social media. Since then, it has become a tourist attraction in Alamada, North Cotabato. This research envisions contributing to the sustainable development of Asik-Asik Falls. Specifically, it aims to assess the respondents’ perception of the potential impact of tourism in Alamada using sustainable tourism development literature. The research was conducted by examining online posts of previous travelers, key informant interviews (KII), and online surveys among 150 previous travelers. The findings provide a greater understanding of tourist perceptions, which can be used as guidelines for future sustainable developments. Asik-Asik Falls as a tourist attraction has an apparent impact on the local economy, and the quality of life of the residents has generally improved. The findings also revealed that consumers and tourism suppliers shared a common interest to maintain the natural beauty of the Asik-Asik Falls. The study recommends that the local government support the development of ecotourism by allocating a budget for maintenance and promotion. The residents should also participate in the implementation of the tourism development plan.




How to Cite

admin, admin. (2022). Social Media Technologies and Its Role in Sustainable Tourism Development of Asik-Asik Falls. BANWA Series A, 14. Retrieved from



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