Preliminary Assessment of the Application of the LIFE Model in Barangay Salman, Ampatuan


action research, extension model, LIFE model, Maguindanao, Southern Philippines


This paper contains some initial positive results of farmer surveys assessing lifestyle, economic, and social effects from the application of the model in one case study site—Salman, Ampatuan, Maguindanao. These are interim results rather than final as the project is ongoing within an action research framework. The paper merely aims to describe changes that are occurring in the spirit of making a preliminary judgement about the impact of applying the LIFE extension model that was described in Vock et al. (this issue). If the impact would be found to be negligible or negative, a total rethink of the model would be required. It is not a “final” assessment of the whole project, or even a final assessment of impacts at that particular site. The assessment involved primary data collection through personal farmer interviews. This paper combines economic and sociological parameters. This continues a theme of the project which is to maintain a joint socioeconomic perspective whenever possible. Economic impacts from applying the extension model were found to be positive and these translated strongly into lifestyle changes with respect to matters such as health, education, food, and shelter.




How to Cite

Menguito, A., Predo, C., Johnson, M., Menz, K., & Fuentes, A. (2018). Preliminary Assessment of the Application of the LIFE Model in Barangay Salman, Ampatuan. BANWA Series A, 12, art006S. Retrieved from



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