School-Based Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions: Selected Case Studies in the Philippines


higher educational institutions, modalities of volunteering, Philippines, volunteerism


There is growing scholarly interest in understanding the dynamism of school-based community engagement in educational institutions, particularly on the formative effects of these modes of instruction-driven public services on students, school staff, and communities. This study sought to investigate different modes of community engagement activities in selected Philippine higher education institutions. A multi-sector participatory systemic inquiry using a series of field visits, focused group discussions, semi-structured key informant interviews, and informal workshops were conducted among volunteers, school staff, and community members of respective higher education institutions. Results showed that school-based community engagement can be classified in relation to teaching-learning functions as curricular, co-curricular, and non-curricular. Among students, faculty, and staff, such activities generally improved sense of self-fulfillment, over-all well-being and developed competencies, enhanced teaching pedagogy, and appreciation for participatory tools for both classroom and community work. Among communities, the engagement improved economic opportunities, organizational and project management skills, and expanded networks. Unfortunately, school-based community engagement in Philippine higher education institutions are hampered and discouraged by administrative and policy problems that include weak internal coordination among school units, paperwork, protocols, and lack of enabling mechanisms such as promotion, merit, or incentive system.

Rowena DT. Baconguis, University of the Philippines Los Baños

Institute for Governance and Rural Development

College of Public Affairs and Development

University of the Philippines Los Baños




How to Cite

Lubuguin, G., Baconguis, R., & Aked, J. (2018). School-Based Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions: Selected Case Studies in the Philippines. BANWA Series A, 12, art009. Retrieved from



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